About Us

World Wide Marine and Cargo Surveyor

STCR was formed in 1986 following the decision of a number of professionals who had for some time involved in the surveying and quality control sectors.
Well settled in a developing market, STCR is an efficient and complete company which offers its services world-wide with skilled personnel using technical-operating check systems. The company’s activities concern many fields: the following description is merely to supply some outline information, being necessary more detailed description which we will be pleased to supply.STCR operates in the following areas of services:

  • quality and quantity certifications on liquid cargo (crude oil and petroleum products, chemical products, vegetal oils, gas, etc.) and solid products (mineral, middlings and bulk, flours), as well as on various goods, refrigerated too, industrial manufactured goods and consumer goods;
  • samples and chemical analysis in equipped laboratories;
  • draft surveys on every kind of vessel;
  • average evaluations and solid, liquid and reffigerated goods damages as well as containers and packaging surveys; personnel is skilled not only in complete damage evaluation, but also and particularly in transport loss prevention and in joint surveys all over the world;
  • expediting on behalf of suppliers and sub-suppliers in order to check the correct order execution and the real quantity correspondence between crude and manufactured products;
  • expediting on behalf of customers in order to check charge/discharge and goods’ transfer, issuing certificates employing logistic and multimodal transportation experts;
  • complete containers’ stuffing and cargo inspections during loading and stowage operations, in stock or groupage, and issue of the following certifications;

STCR personnel are strictly selected as per experience, skilful and capacity, working through a clear knowledge of the procedures and legal aspects conceming each field’s problems. Particularly they deal with average and compensation for damage occured during transportation by land, sea and air.

STCR operates on a computer network which can collect all the information in a data bank always at clients’ disposal, i.e. it can supply the customers every kind of data and statistics.

Even if STCR works with skilled personnel able to afford every kind of technical, legal and financial problem, it avails itself of the most important and well known technical, legal and administrative offices, as well as of intemational laboratories able to issue all the specific requested analysis.

STCR main clients are Insurance Companies, but also Industrial and Oil Companies, Ship-owners, Leasing Companies and import-export Companies.

STCR is certified ISO 9002 – certificate n. 1141/98 issued on 06/05/98.

The Company is continuously increasing and particularly it operates in order to enlarge its activities abroad. STCR follows a very simple but important rule: to fully satisfy/comp the received mandates. Customers know that this obvious statement isn’t normally applied by all the companies operating in these fields, so that STCR will be pleased to demonstrate that it lives on its own work and that it increases just because of the way it realises it.

We believe in

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World Wide
Crisis Flying
All in One
24/7 Availability


Company’s Activities, Fileds and Sectors

STCR personnel deal with average and compensation for damage occured during transports by land, sea and air, and they are strictly selected as per experience, skillful and capacity.

  • Transport loss preventions and joint surveys all over the world
  • Quality and quantity certifications on liquid (crude oil and petroleum products, chemical products, vegetal oils, etc.) and solid cargoes (minerals, bulk, flours, industrial manufactured goods and refrigerated too)
  • Sampling, chemical analysis and draft surveys on every kind of vessels
  • Technical assistance and support on loading, unloading, transport of Critical & Abnormal Items packaging and stowage and safe cargo solutions
  • Complete containers’ stuffing and cargo inspections during loading and stowage operations (including issuing of relative certifications)
  • Loss prevention, with previous risk evaluations (particularly concerning costs-benefits relationship)
  • We have detailed knowledge and experience of many types of vessel, from commercial fishing vessels and speed boats to luxury yachts and superyachts
  • Average evaluations on solid, liquid and refrigerated goods damages, as well as containers and packaging surveys. Inspection activities on shipments on behalf of suppliers and customers
  • Specialist activities concerning every kind of I.S.O. container surveys
  • Market screening guarantees a continuous operating renewal


You can download the following documents

To start the download process, just click the icon for the file you want to download.

Letter of responsability

Time Bar Interruption

Deed of assignement

Azienda cosa fare in caso di danno

Cessione dei diritti

In caso di danno trasporto su gomma

In caso di danno trasporto via mare

Fax convocazione contraddittorio


We will be happy to answer to every question you would like to ask us. Feel free to contact us.

(+39) 010 2409200
(+39) 010 2462031

(+356) 99315715
(+356) 99703476